5 Ways To Minimize The Impact Of Humidity On Your Hair

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- Kitchens Sydney
By Sherry Brister
If you live in a relatively humid environment, hair styling in the summer months can be a challenge. Extreme humidity makes hair unruly, flat, and difficult to deal with. Even mild humidity can make your hair oily, sticky, and unsightly.
While it is true that you can’t control the weather, there are a few things you can do to make your hair look good even on days when the humidity level is through the roof. Here are some tips you can follow to mitigate the negative impact of humidity on your hair.
1. Use an Herbal Hair Rinse Solution
Herbal tonics or rinses help restore a fresh feeling back to the hair and scalp, and you can make a hair rinse at home from ingredients you may already have in your kitchen cabinets. A hair rinse can be made from herbs like chamomile, rosemary, thyme, and similar ingredients. If you can’t find these ingredients, you could also use an herbal tea as a hair rinsing alternative.
2. Use Anti-Frizz and/or Humidity-Resistant Hair Products
Humidity-resistant properties can help increase the potency and effectiveness of most hair products, especially during extremely humid days. This, along with the regular application of an anti-frizz product, will help ensure that your hair will still look polished and groomed even if you stay outside for a long period of time.
3. Use Shampoo Containing Eucalyptus or Tea Tree Oil
As you know, humid weather can make your hair look sticky, so try a shampoo with refreshing ingredients like tea tree oil, which helps remove excess oil that can weigh your hair down. As an added bonus, you will find that these types of shampoos have an effect similar to aromatherapy, so you’ll feel relaxed when you are done.
4. Keep Your Hair Longer
Longer hair can be tied in a bun or chignon, or a perhaps a ponytail, to keep it up off your shoulders, which will allow air flow around the base of your hair. This will help keep your hair cooler and dryer, which in turn will help fight off the negative impact of humidity. Plus, let’s face it; a short hairstyle is hard to maintain on humid days. With longer hair you at least have more options for covering up the damage!
5. Use a Wide Tooth Comb
I know it sounds silly, but using a wide tooth comb when you style your hair helps deal with the tangles caused by humid weather. Tangles are a common occurrence in humidity, and using a wide tooth comb instead of a more traditional hairbrush is gentler and more effective in smoothing out the tangles. Plus, it won’t hurt as much!
Humidity is clearly not good for your hair, but there are things you can do to reduce or even eliminate its impact. Use anti-frizz and humidity-resistant products, keep your hair up and off your shoulders, use shampoos with tea tree oil, utilize a hair rinse, and use a wide tooth comb. Follow these tips and your hair will stay beautiful and elegant no matter how sticky it gets outside!
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